Tattoo Rewrite Card Printer
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Evolis Card Printer Supplies
For immediate assistance call 949-387-3532
Economical & Environment friendly
Tattoo RW adheres to sustainable development. Ribbon-less printing also reduces not only the printing cost per card but also the ecological impact by reducing waste linked to printing your cards..
Item Number: TTR201BBH
List Price: $1,690.00
The next-generation printer for rewritable cards
Evolis Card Printers
For immediate assistance call 949-387-3532
The best solution for temporary cards and badges
Tattoo RW is an Evolis printer for single-sided rewritable cards.
It effortlessly matches all your expectations when it comes to flexibility, affordability, sustainable development, and regular data updates.
Tattoo RW is the ultimate solution for your temporary badges and cards that require regular updates.
With Tattoo RW, your cards are updated whenever required, while a same card can be erased, revised and printed anew up to 500 times.
It is the ideal solution to revise and reprint within seconds:
General specifications
Encoding options
Print Mode